Millets One Liner Notes

Millets One Liner Notes

  1. Millets belong to which family?
    Ans: Poaceae (Grass family).
  2. Group of cereals which are annual, small grained, rainfed and having low requirement of water and fertility and highly tolerant to drought and extreme weather conditions as compared to other cereals?
    Ans: Millets.
  3. Millets include crops such as?
    Ans: Major millets are Sorghum (Jowar), Pearl millet (Bajra), Ragi (Finger millet); whereas, minor millets are foxtail millet, kodo, Sawan (Barnyard millet), Kutki (Little millet) etc.
  4. Millets are considered as highly nutritious and dietary fiber, they are also cosidered as?
    Ans: Non-glutenous and non-acid forming foods.
  5. On an average, what percentage of nutritional value millets contain?
    Ans: Carbohydrate = 65-75%, Protein = 7-12%, Fats = 15-20%, Dietary fiber = 15-20%.
  6. ICAR- All India Coordinated Millet Improvement Project (AICMIP) was established in 1965, where is the Headquarter of AICMIP?
    Ans: Jodhpur (Rajasthan).
  7. After request of India, FAO has declared 2023 as?
    Ans: International Millets Year.
  8. Which Indian state is the larger producer of millets?
    Ans: Rajasthan.
  9. Major portion of sorghum protein which has unique feature of lowering digestibility upon cooking that may be some health benefit for certain dietary groups. Which protein is this?
    Ans: Prolamin (Kaffirin).
  10. Maturity period of sorghum plant?
    Ans: 66-95 days.
  11. Which type of germination growth is found in pearl millet?
    Ans: Hypogeal.
  12. Which cereal crop has maximum content of Niacin?
    Ans: Pearl millet.
  13. Dietary fiber content in Bajra is?
    Ans: 11.5%.
  14. Which millet crop has high energy content as compared to other millets?
    Ans: Bajra.
  15. Which millet crop occupies 1st position among all the millets in India?
    Ans: Bajra (Pearl millet).
  16. Which millet crop increases transit time of food in the gut as a result reduce risk of inflammatory bowel disease?
    Ans: Pearl millet.
  17. Which millet crop is the richest source of calcium?
    Ans: Finger millet (Ragi).
  18. VL 315, VL 149, PES 176, PES 400, resistant to blast are varieties of?
    Ans: Finger millet (Ragi).
  19. Finger millet is also having common name?
    Ans: Italian millet, German millet, Kakum.
  20. Sawan is the richest source of crude fiber and Iron. Sawan is also known as?
    Ans: Barnyard millet.
  21. Seed rate of kutki for line sowing is?
    Ans: 8kg/hac.
  22. Origin place of Proso millet is?
    Ans: India
  23. Seed rate of Proso millet for broadcasting method is?
    Ans: 15kg/hac
  24. On the recommendation of India, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has declared 2023 as?
    Ans: the International Year of Millets.
  25. Which country is the largest producer of millet in the world?
    Ans: India (Accounts for 20% of global production and 80% of Asia’s production).
  26. Temperature requirement for millets?
    Ans: 27-320C
  27. Top millets producing states in India are?
    Ans: Rajasthan>Karnataka>Maharashtra>MP>UP.
  28. Agriculture ministry declared millets as “Nutri cereals” in which year?
    Ans: 2018.
  29. National Millets Mission (NMM) was launched with the objective to promote the production and consumption of millets in which year?
    Ans: 2007.
  30. The Directorate of Sorghum Research was upgraded to the status of Indian Institute of Millets Research (IIMR) in the year?
    Ans: 2014
  31. CSV 47 F (JAICAR CHARI), CSV 48 (JAICAR URJA), CSV 49 SS (JAICAR RASEELA) are forage, high biomass, sweet variety respectively released in year 2021. These are varieties of which millet crop?
    Ans: Sorghum
  32. The Indian Institute of Millets Research (ICARIIMR) is situated at?
    Ans: Hyderabad
  33. The most widely grown millets are………………………, which are important crops in India and parts of Africa.
    Ans: Sorghum (Jowar) and pearl millets (Bajra)
  34. In Nepal, Kodo is common name of which millet crop?
    Ans: Finger millet (Ragi).
  35. Which millet crop is sometimes known as “Great millet”?
    Ans: Sorghum.
  36. Scientific name of Common barnyard grass(or Cockspur grass) is?
    Ans: Echinochloa crus-galli
  37. Paspalum scrobiculatum is the Scientific name of?
    Ans: Kodo millet.
  38. …………………………, variety developed in India from a natural-growing millet variety in Burkina Faso, doubled yields. it was released in 1990 in Namibia and became the most popular variety there.
    Ans: ‘Okashana 1’
  1. The largest millets producing countries are?
    Ans: India>Niger>China>Nigeria>Mali>Ethiopia
  2. ………………are major food sources in arid and semiarid regions of the world.
    Ans: Millets
  3. Millets are ……………. Plants, it has good water-use efficiency and utilizes high temperature and is therefore a summer crop?
    Ans: C4
  4. Which millet crop is considered the best for grazing?
    Ans: Japanese millets (Echinochloa esculenta).
  5.  chromosome number of foxtail millet is?
    Ans: 2n=18
  6.  chromosome number of finger millet (Ragi) is?
    Ans: 2n=36
  7. The grains of ………………. have excellent malting propertoies and are widely known for its use as weaning foods.
    Ans: Finger millet (Ragi)
  8. Scientific name of Bajra is Pennisetum glacum, what is the chromosome number of Pearl millet?
    Ans: 2n=14
  9. origin of Bajra is?
    Ans: Africa
  10. Scientific name of Jowar is Sorghum bicolor, what is the chromosome number of Jowar?
    Ans: 2n=20
  11. Origin of sorghum is?
    Ans: India & Africa.

See also….
Millets- Cultivation, Production & Nutrition
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act

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