Agriculture One Liner (Part-5)

Agriculture One Liner (Part-5)

  1. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NAREGA) was enacted in September 2005 and came in to force in 2 February 2006.
  2. The demonstration which shows the value or worth of the new practice is called- Result Demonstration.
  3. The process of initiating a conscious and purposeful action is called- Motivation.
  4. The most influence type of demonstration (skill development) is- Method Demonstration.
  5. GST- The goods and services tax law in India (comprehensive, multi-stage, destination-based tax that will be levied on every value addition) act came into effect from 1st July 2017.
  6. CGST- collected by the Central government on an intra-state sale, SGST- collected by the state government on an intra-state sale, IGST- collected by the central government for inter-state sale.
  7. Agricultural extension education is- Non-formal education.
  8. The purpose of randomization in field experiment is to- Control variance.
  9. The range of probability lies between- 0 to 1.
  10. Minimum degree of freedom for error in ANOVA is- 12.
  11. Formula of coefficient of variance is- SD/Mean *100.
  12. T-test (Parametric test) is generally used, when sample size is < 30 and applicable when number of treatments is- 2.
  13. The correlation coefficient lies between-  -1 to + 1.
  14. The basic principles of field experimentation- Replication, Randomized and Local control.
  15. The technique of analysis of variance was developed by- A. Fisher.
  16. The most commonly used measure of control tendency is- Arithmetic mean.
  17. Cumulative frequency is also known as- Ogive.
  18. The term “Kurtosis” (refers to degree of flatness or peakness of the frequency curve) standard deviation was given by- Karl Pearson.
  19. Laplace used the normal distribution in- Analysis of errors of experiments
  20. The important method of least squares was introduced by- Legendre in 1805.
  21. The name “Normal distribution” (Law of error, law of facility of error, Laplace’s second law, gaussian law) was coined independently by- Peirce Galton and Lexix (1875).
  22. The standard deviation is widely used measure of- Variability or dispersion.
  23. If mean, medium and mode is equal, then skewness will be- Zero.
  24. Correlation (studies the relation or association between two variables) are useful because they can indicate a- Predictive relationship.
  25. If both the variables are varying in the same direction called positive correlation, while, if both the variables are varying in the opposite direction called Negative correlation.
  26. If the amount of change in one variable tends to bear a constant ratio to the amount of change in the other variable is known as Linear correlation, if the amount of change in the variable doesn’t bear a constant ratio to the amount of change in other variable is known as Non-linear correlation.
  27. Regression (first used by Sir Francis Galton) analysis is a mathematical average relationship between two or more variables. Relation may be linear or non-linear.
  28. Any statement about the population parameter is called Hypothesis. It may be Null (A statement about parameter which is to be rejected after testing) or Alternative (contrary to Null hypothesis).
  29. Which ANOVA is used when the experimenter wants to study the effects of two or more treatment variables- Factorial ANOVA.
  30. Which ANOVA is used when the subjects are subject to repeated measures in which the same subjects are used for each treatment- Two- Way ANOVA.
  31. The completely randomized design, CRD (one way classification and no way control) is considered to be most useful in situation where the experimental units are- Homogeneous.
  32. In field experiments the commonly used design is- RBD. It is regarded as two-way classification and one way control and this design is appropriate when the fertility gradient in the field is in one direction only.
  33. The experimental design, which simultaneously control the variation in two directions and suitable for 5-8 treatments or from 5-12 at the most is known as- LSD (Latin square design). Hence, If fertility gradient of land is in two directions, LSD is used.
  34. When factors of the different nature are to be tested in same experiment known as Split plot design, e.g., depth of ploughing and nitrogen level.
  35. For chi- square test, the minimum sample size should be 50. This test is first used by Karl Pearson. It is applied to test the goodness of fit.
  36. Z test is given by R. A. Fisher, used when sample size is large (>30). Student t-test was given by WS Gosset, used when the sample size is small (<30).
  37. Mean, median and mode are equal in- Normal distribution.
  38. The Most frequent number in a data set is known as- Mode.
  39. The goodness of fit test is also known as- Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. It is named after Andrey Kolmogorov and Nikolai Smirnov.
  40. The number of independent pieces of information that goes into the estimate of a parameter is called- Degree of freedom.
  41. F-test was coined by- George W. Snedecor in honour of sir Ronald A fisher.
  42. The term “Water Harvesting” (the activity of direct collection of rainwater, can be stored for direct use or can be recharged into the groundwater) was first used by- Mayors.
  43. Water balance concept (states that the inflows to any water system or area is equal to its outflows plus change in storage during a time interval) was introduced by- Thornthwaite.
  44. The force working with the attraction of water molecules towards each other is known as- Cohesion.
  45. The force working with the attraction of water molecules towards solid particles is known as- Adhesion.
  46. The water held tightly to the surface of soil particles by adsorption forces is known as- Hygroscopic water. It held mostly by soil colloids, tension varies from 31-10000 atm, and mostly non-liquids moves in vapor form hence biologically inactive.
  47. Water held by force of surface as continuous film around soil particles, present in capillaries of soil is known as- Capillary water. Held between field capacity and hygroscopic coefficient, tension varies from 0.3-31 atm and mostly available form of water to crops.
  48. The movement of water from the ground surface into the soil is Called- Infiltration.
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  49. Drip irrigation concept was proposed by- Simcha Blass. This method is introduced from Israel, suitable for water scarcity area. Leading state in drip irrigation in India is- Maharashtra
  50. Irrigation method best suited for an undulating land and sandy soil- Sprinkler irrigation.
  51. Major source of irrigation in India is- Wells (Approx. 52%).
  52. The automatic method of surface irrigation is- Cob legation.
  53. Soil moisture is measured by- Tensiometer.
  54. Water requirement of irrigation wetland rice is about- 1500 mm.
  55. Total water requirement of sugarcane crop is- 200-300 cm.
  56. In saline soil, the method for irrigation used- Flood method.
  57. pF value (is a quantity that indicates the quality of water contained in soil) was first introduced by- Schofield. A pF value near zero indicates that the soil is filled with water.
  58. Parshall flume is used for measurement of- Water Flow.
  59. The rearing of silkworms (silk farming) for the production of raw silk is known as- Sericulture.
  60. Central Sericulture research & Training Institute is situated at- Mysore, Karnataka.
  61. Apiculture (Bee keeping) word was taken from- Latin world “Apis” meaning Bee.
  62. A location where bees are kept is called An Apiary, whereas, A beekeeper is also known as- Apiarist.
  63. Average yield of Indian bee (Apis cerana indica) is- 6-8 Kg /year/hive. Apis dorsata is the highest yielder 36 kg/year/hive.
  64. The main freshwater fish are Cop and catfish, whereas, main brackish water fish are- Hilsa and mullet.
  65. Central Institute of marine Fisheries Research is located- Kochi, Kerala.
  66. The central inland fisheries Institute was established at- Barrack pure (W.B).
  67. The central institute of fisheries technology was established in 1957 Willingdon Island near Kochi Kerala.
  68. The art of gardening without soil (soil less culture) is called- Hydroponics. Hydroponics is a Latin word meaning “working water.
  69. The Precursor of vitamin A is- Beta carotene.
  70. Evergreen revolution is related to- Sustainable crop Production.
  71. SRI (system of rice intensification) technique Was developed in- Madagascar.
  72. The term Synecology (the ecological study of whole plant or animal communities) was given by- Schroter & Kirchner (1902).
  73. Pusa Mukta is the cultivar of Cabbage.
  74. World’s super rice variety, which is suitable for saline/Alkaline soil conditions is- Lunishree.
  75. IPR stands for Intellectual Property Right.
  76. The plant parasite nematode was first time reported by -Kanche.
  77. The inflorescence of jowar is called- Panicle.
  78. Law of tolerance was introduced by- Shelford.
  79. End product of glycolysis is- Pyruvate. Net gain of ATP during glycolysis is- 2.
  80. Lithophytes– The plants grown in or on rocks. Epilithic means plants that grow on the surface of the rocks, while endolithic lithophytes grow in the crevices of rocks and also called chasmophyte.
  81. Phosphorus is extracted by- Olsen method.
  82. The correlation between price and demand of a commodity is- Negative.
  83. For reclamation of saline and Alkaline soils, Gypsum and Pyrite are used.
  84. Parthenocarpy– The development of fruit without fertilization. Varieties of pineapple, banana, cucumber, grape, orange, persimmon and breadfruit exemplify naturally occurring parthenocarpy.
  85. The development of embryo without fertilization is called- Apomixes.
  86. Relative humidity is measured by- Psychrometer.
  87. Father of Indian pale botany is- Birbal sahni.
  88. The weed used for ornamental purpose is- Lantana Camaera.
  89. The core component of chlorophyll is- Mg.
  90. The soybean is sown at the depth of- 3 cm.
  91. The most prominent soil of India is- Alluvial soil.
    See also
  92. The current method used for control of bollworm in cotton is- transgenic cotton produced.
  93. Most abundant protein in the world- Rubisco.
  94. Photo- Respiration occurs in- Chloroplast.
  95. Water use efficiency is highest in- CAM Plants. CAM plants leave most leaf stomata closed during day to conserve water, during the night keep stomata opened allowing CO2 to enter and be fixed as organic acid (malic acid).
  96. Photosynthetic rate, biomass production and light saturation point is high in C4 plants.
  97. Photorespiration and transpiration rate is high in C3 plants.
  98. Enzyme involve in the primary carboxylation of C3 plant is- Ribulose 1,5-biphosphate carboxylase.
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  99. The process by which water is broken down into hydrogen ion and nascent oxygen is called- Photolysis.
  100. Chromosomal theory of inheritance was proposed by– Sutton & Boveri.
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  101. The chemical mostly used for breaking tuber dormancy in potato– Thiourea.
  102. The first commercial hybrid cotton of the world is- Hybrid-4.
  103. International Day for biological diversity22 May.
  104. The number of electrons for conversion of NO3 to NH4 16.
  105. Dormancy breaking hormone is- Cytokinin.
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  106. The element involved in energy transfer and storage in plants is- Phosphorus.
  107. Fruit ripening hormone is- Ethylene.
  108. The antidote of insect poisoning- Atropine.
  109. Minimum support price is formulated by– Commission for agricultural costs and prices (CACP) since 2009.
  110. Luxury consumption or maximum uptake nutrient is- K.
  111. Crop canopy temperature is measured by- Infra red thermometer.
  112. Secondary Plant nutrients are- Ca, Mg, & S.
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  113. Hulling %age in rice is- 65%.
  114. The method of sugarcane sowing prevents the lodging – Trench method.
  115. Inflorescence of sugarcane is called- Arrow.
  116. Shedding of plants part is due to- ABA hormone.
  117. First hybrid in the world of Red gram is- ICPH-8.
  118. The most preferable soil structure for agriculture is- Granular & Crumby.
  119. Taxonomically organic soils are- Histosols.
  120. Organic matter content of histosols and hydromorphic soil is- 2-18%.
  121. The most suitable soil for dry land agriculture- Black soil.
  122. Most common method of sowing in dryland area is- Broadcasting.

See also…
Agriculture One Linear (Part-1)

Agriculture One Linear (Part-2)
Agriculture One Linear (Part-3)
Agriculture One Linear (Part-4)

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