1. Downy mildew, also known as ‘Green Ear’ is one of the destructive diseases of Bajra which is caused by fungus?
A. C. fusiformis
B. Sclerospora graminicola
C. Alternaria solanai
D. Puccinia striformis
E. None of these
Ans: B


2. ICRISAT (International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) was formed in the year 1972, works under the parent organization CGAIR (Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research). It’s HQ is located at?
A. Patancheru, Telangana
B. New Delhi
C. Mumbai
D. Chennai
E. Jodhpur
Ans: A.
3. Plants produce carbohydrates in green leaves by the process of photosynthesis which is transported by the phloem tissues to all parts of the plant. The element which is essential for its translocation is?
A. Carbon
B. Nitrogen
C. Boron
D. Calcium
E. Zinc
Ans: C.
4. Which of the following microbial agent is a type of fungus that can block the life cycle of many pathogens and most specifically various other fungi that is the reason which makes it an amazing biological control agent against various pathogens that leads to its exploitation on a commercial level?
A. Sclerotium rolfsii
B. Trichoderma viridiae
C. Alternaria solanai
D. Puccinia striformis
E. Bacillus subtilis
Ans: B.
5. There are some basic criteria to make any element essential for any plant type and these criteria were proposed in 1939 by?
A. Rutherford
B. D. J. Nicholas
C. Arnon & Stout
D. Gregor Mendel.
Ans: C.
6. The Law of minimum theory which states that among all 16 essential nutrients if any one of them is missing or in less quantity than what is required by a plant then the yield and growth of the plant will be directly proportional to the amount of that minimum element i.e., that will also be poor even if all other nutrients are in proper quantity and abundance. The theory was given by?
A. Nicholas
B. Justus von Liebig
C. Calvin
D. Shelford
E. None of the above
Ans: B.
7. Origin of Rice is?
A. Mexico
C. Indo-Burma (Indo-Myanmar)
D. Ethiopia
E. Brazil
Ans: C.
8. Botanical Name of Ragi/Finger millet?
A. Eleusine coracana
B. Pennisetum glacum
C. Panicum miliaceum
D. Zea mays
E. None of these
Ans: A.
9. A line is left unsown in the regular row series of sowing is known as?
A. Paira cropping.
B. Skip cropping
C. Mulching
D. Riparian cropping
E. Both A & B
Ans: B.
10. Groundnut belongs to the family?
A. Gramineae
B. Leguminosae or Fabaceae
C. Asteraceae
D. Cucurbitaceae
E. None of these
Ans: B.
11. Botanical Name of Taro (cocoyam)?
A. Colocasia esculenta
B. Solanum tuberosum
C. Medicago sativa
D. Avena sativa
E. None of these
Ans: A.
12. The panicle initiation stage in Rice plants comes?
A. After the maximum tillering stage
B. Immediate after transplanting
C. After boot leaf stage
D. After grain maturity
Ans: A.
13. Origin place of Groundnut is?
A. China
B. India
C. Brazil
E. Canada
Ans: C.
14. Which of the following pulse crop is also known as vegetable meat?
A. Gram
B. Cowpea
C. Pea
D. Urd
E. Arhar
Ans: B.
15. Pulses contains carbohydrates around 60%. Which pulse crop has maximum protein content?
A. Gram
B. Pea
C. Urd
D. Moong
Ans: D.
16. Origin place of Rai?
A. China
C. Africa
D. India
E. Brazil
Ans: A.
17. Protein content in maize is 10%, which protein is found in maize?
A. Albuminoids
B. Zein
C. Paradin
D. Guanine
E. All of these
Ans: B.
18. Kharif crops are generally_________________.
A. Short day plant
B. Long day plant
C. Day neutral
D. All of these
Ans: A.
19. Rice inflorescence is known as?
A. Palea
B. Panicle
C. Hull
D. Phalaris
E. None of these
Ans: B.
20. Sorghum belongs to the grass family Poeceae and is categorize as___________.
A. Minor millet
B. Pulses
C. Cereals
D. Major millet
E. None of these
Ans: D.

Read… Millets- Cultivation, Production & Nutrition

21. Cardinal temperature for Rice plants is?
A. 36-380C
B. 20-220C
C. 25-270C
D. 30-320C
E. 40-420C

Ans: D.
22. IR-8 variety of Rice was evolved by breeder Henry M. Beachell at IRRI Manila. IR-8 was introduced in India in_____________?
A. 1930
B. 1940
C. 1955
D. 1939
E. 1966
Ans: E
23. The highest production of mustard in India is contributed by which state?
A. Rajasthan
B. Bihar
C. Karnataka
D. Maharashtra
E. Gujarat
Ans: A.
24. Stem nodulation occurs in green manure crop of________________?
A. Sesbania aculeata
B. Aeschynomene afraspera
C. Crotalaria juncea
D. All of these
Ans: B.
25. NBSSLP (National bureau of soil survey and Land use planning) became an independent institute of ICAR in 1976. Its Headquarter is in_____________.
A. Chennai
B. Bengaluru
C. New Delhi
D. Nagpur
E. Kolkata
Ans: D.
26. Indian journal of Agricultural sciences published from_________________.
A. Indian society of Soil science
B. Indian society of Agronomy
Ans: D.
27. Irrigation in gram is most critical and recommended _______________.
A. Before flowering and during the pod formation stage
B. Early flowering and during the pod formation stage
C. Late flowering and maturity stage
D. Early flowering and maturity stage.
Ans: A.
28. Abiotic components of ecosystem comprise of __________.
A. Light, water and animals
B. Water, wind, and plants
C. Minerals, plants, and soil organisms
D. Water, minerals, salts, light, atmospheric gases etc.
Ans: D.


29. Groundnut pegs when developed in the soil form__________.
A. Fruits
B. Roots
C. Tubers
D. Stems
E. Leaves
Ans: A.
30. Principle of crop rotation must include pulses in rotation because_______________.
A. They increase yield of succeeding crops
B. They increase total pulse production
C. They release field quickly for second crop
D. They help in maintaining soil fertility.
Ans: D.
31. Which of the following is the principal Nitrogen fixing algal community of blue-green algae?
A. Azospirillum
B. Azotobactor
C. Rhizobia
D. Anabaena
Ans: D.
32. ______________is used to denote the relative land area under sole crop required to produce the same yield as obtained under a mixed or an intercropping system at the same management.
A. Land equivalent ratio
B. Land utilisation ratio
C. Land rotation ratio
D. Cropping intensity
Ans: A.
33. Fire curing is practised in which of the following type of tobacco?
A. Bidi tobacco
B. Chewing tobacco
C. Hookah tobacco
D. Cheroot tobacco
Ans: A.
34. “Triticale” is a cross between wheat and___________?
A. Oat
B. Bajra
C. Rye
D. Barley
E. Maize
Ans: C.
35. Over-retting of jute fibre decreases the fibre quality due to ___________.
A. Reduction in cell wall thickness
B. Reduction of cellulose in fibre
C. Very short fibre strands
D. Discoloration of fibre
E. Both C & D.
36. The rice variety containing “Dee-geo-woo-gen” is-
A. Indrasan
B. Basmati
C. IR-8
D. Pusa Sugandha
E. Tilak
Ans: C.
37. Seed rate of hybrid maize is?
A. 20-25kg/hac
B. 30-40kg/hac
C. 12-15kg/hac
D. 40-50kg/hac
Ans: A.
38. Common bread wheat (2n= 42) is?
A. Diploid
B. Triploid
C. Tetraploid
D. Hexaploidy
Ans: D.
39. The botanical name of Indian mustard or brown mustard is?
A. Brassica juncea
B. Brassica nigra
C. Brassica sativa
D. All of these
Ans: A.
40. Relative weeds are-
A. Seasonal weeds in crop field
B. Plants of same crop other variety in the field
C. Plants of other crop in the field
D. All of these.
Ans: B.


41. Excess uptake of ______________ is known as luxury consumption.
A. Nitrogen
B. Phosphorus
C. Potassium
D. Boron
E. Zinc
Ans: C.
42. Which of the following protein is responsible for bread making quality of wheat as it provides the elasticity and extensibility required to make bread?
A. Lysine
B. Globulin
C. Gluten
D. Glycine
E. All of these
Ans: C.
43. Cultivation of durum wheat or spring wheat is mainly confined to___________.
A. Central India
B. Southern India
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans: A.
44. Ratooning is practised as a matter of routine in ?
A. Sugarcane only
B. Sugarbeet and sugarcane
C. Sugarcane and maize
D. Sugarcane and Jute
E. Sugarcane and Napier grass
Ans: E.


45. Imperata cylindrica is associated with___________.
A. Tea
B. Lentil
C. Sugarbeet
D. Wheat
E. Oat
Ans: A.
46. Hybrid HB1of Bajra was released in 1965, making India the first country to develop the first single cross pearl millet hybrid. It was released by which of the following university?
A. PAU, Ludhiana
B. BHU Varanasi
C. GB pant University
D. Kerala university
E. Tamilnadu Agriculture University
Ans: A.
47. Zero-till-seed drill is most commonly used for sowing?
A. Wheat in maize-wheat cropping system
B. Wheat in mung-wheat cropping system
C. Wheat in rice-wheat cropping system
D. None of these
Ans: C.
48. The first commercial cotton of the world is-
A. Hybrid-4
B. Type-64
C. Hybrid-777
D. Kuber
E. H-1
Ans: B.
49. PDM 11 is a variety of___________.
A. Pea
B. Green gram
C. Red gram
D. Black gram
E. Cowpea
Ans: B.
50. Sugarcane is the commercial crop of tropical countries and can be grown in both tropical as well as subtropical climate. The best suited temperature for the growth of sugarcane is______________.
A. 15-200C
B. 20-250C
C. 35-400C
D. 21-270C
E. 40-450C
Ans: D.

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