The MCQs are especially compiled for ICAR, ARS, IARI Ph.D and other competitive exams based on previous 10-years questions from these exams. Many of these questions are asked during previous exams. These MCQs are also useful for IBPS Specialist officer/Agriculture officer.

1. Which one is lower category for classification of soil?
A. Soil order
B. Family
C. Soil series
D. None of the above
Ans. C
2. Which clay mineral is responsible for cracking in black soil?
A. Kaolinite
B. Illite
C. Vermiculite
D. Montmorillonite
Ans. D
3. Apatite is a group of minerals which mainly contains:
A. Sulphur
B. Phosphorus
C. Nitrogen
D. Titanium
Ans. B
4. pH meter measures:
A. H ions activity
B. H ions concentration
C. Al ions
D. All of the above
Ans. A
5. EC (Electrical Conductivity) meter measures:
A. Total salt in soil
B. Soluble salt in soil
C. Both the salt
D. None of the above
Ans. B
6. The unit used for the measurement of electrical conductivity is _____
A. dS/m
B. uS/cm
C. mg/m
D. Both A and B
Ans. D
7. Olsen method is used for phosphorus estimation in:
A. Acidic soil
B. Neutral to alkali soil
C. Saline soil
D. All of the above
Ans. B
8. Which method is used for determination of available phosphorus in acid soil?
A. Bray
B. Olsen
C. Walkley and Black
D. Jackson
Ans. A
9. KMnO4 (potassium permanganate) is used for __________
A. Available nitrogen
B. Organic carbon
C. Available phosphorus
D. Available potassium
Ans. A
10. Which instrument is used for the estimation of potash (K)?
A. Spectrophotometer
B. Flame photometer
C. Colorimeter
D. Atomic absorption
Ans. B

11. Spectrophotometer is used for determination of _____
A. N
B. P
C. K
D. All of the above
Ans. B


12. Which one of the following plant nutrients imparts resistant to disease and insect-pest?
A. Potassium
B. Nitrogen
C. Phosphorus
D. Calcium
Ans. A


13. When the total soluble salt concentration of soil goes between 1-2 milli mhos/cm2. Then how it affects the crops:
A. Critical for growth of sensitive crops
B. Critical for Flowering
C. Critical for germination
D. Injurious to crops
Ans. C
14. If the soil textural class has clay content more than 45 %, then it is called?
A. Sandy Clay
B. Silty clay Loam
C. Sandy Clay Loam
D. Clay
Ans. D
15. There are 12 soil orders of soil. Out of these soil orders, Red soil has which soil order?
A. Ultisol
B. Alfisol
C. Vertisol
D. Aridisol
Ans. B


16. This soil has shrinking and swelling potential, and has the soil order vertisol. Which kind of crops are mostly preferred for this soil?
A. Barley
B. Wheat
C. Maize
D. Plantation crops
Ans. D
17. Which among the following soil types is the most fertile soil?
A. Black soil
B. Desert soil
C. Peaty soil
D. Muck soil
Ans. D
18. Peat soil are generally:
A. Black, heavy & neutral
B. Black, light & basic
C. Black, heavy & acidic
D. Red, light & acidic
Ans. C
19. Which one of the following minerals is least weatherable in soil?
A. Olivine
B. Calcite
C. Biotite
D. Quartz
Ans. D
20. The sum total of the exchangeable cations that a soil can absorb is called as cation exchange capacity. Which clay mineral has highest CEC?
A. Kaolinite
B. Illite
C. Vermiculite
D. Montmorillonite
Ans. C
21. At which pH, Phosphorus fixation is at minimum and availability to higher plants is maximum?
A. 5 to 6
B. 6 to 7
C. 7 to 8
D. above 7
Ans. B
22. A ratio of the mass of carbon to the mass of nitrogen in a substance is known as C:N ratio. What is the C:N ratio in sawdust?
A. 100:1
B. 300:1
C. 400:1
D. 200:1
Ans. C

23. What is the size of fine sand particle according to ISSS?
A. 0.002-0.02
B. 0.02-0.2
C. 0.2-2.0
D. 0.10- 0.25
Ans. B


24. Oxygen Diffusion Rate refers to the rate at which “O” in the soil exchange with O2 in the ATM. Which among the following crops has highest ODR?
A. Rice
B. Wheat
C. Maize
D. Pea
Ans. D
25. Which gas is released from paddy field?
A. CH4
B. H2S
C. CO2
D. NH3
Ans. A
26. Compact sub soil has how much percentage of Pore space?
A. 10-20 %
B. 20- 25 %
C. 25 – 30 %
D. 30- 35 %
Ans. C
27. The capillary water is held between 1/3 and 31 atmosphere pressures and is mostly absorbed by plants. What is the range of available water in soil?
A. 1/3 to 31 Atm
B. 15 to 31 Atm
C. 1/3 to 15 Atm
D. 15- 1000`0 Atm
Ans. C
28. Which of the following nutrients is cycled in the soil through atmosphere?
A. Phosphorus
B. Potash
C. Zinc
D. Nitrogen
Ans. D
29. Most of the plants obtain nitrogen from the soil in the form of:
A. Nitrate
B. Nitrite
C. Nitric acid
D. Nitrous oxide
Ans. A
30. The fertilizer containing nitrogen in amide form is:
A. Urea
C. Ammonium sulphate
D. Ammonium phosphate
Ans. A
31. The total water available is known as Hollard. The total water available to plants is known as?
A. Echard
B. Hollard
C. Chresard
D. Delta
Ans. C
32. The pF value of capillary water is 2.54 to 4.50. What is the pF value of hygroscopic coefficient?
A. 4.50 to 7.00
B. 4.5
C. 2.54
D. <2.54
Ans. B


33. Gully erosion is a type of soil erosion. What is the side slope of G3 Gully class?
A. 8-15 %
B. 15%
C. More than 15 %
D. Less than 15 %
Ans. B
34. Most of the plants perform best at 6 to 7 pH. What is the most preferred soil pH for Leguminous crops?
A. 5.5 to 6.0
B. 6 to 7
C. 7-7.5
D. 7.5 – 8.0
Ans. B
35. Soils with high pH are deficient in which of the following nutrients?
A. Cu & Mo
B. B & Fe
C. Ca & Mg
D. Zn & Mg
Ans. D
36. When there are waterlogged conditions, then the availability of which minerals will be found in the soil?
A. Fe
B. Nitrogen
C. Manganese
D. Both a & c
Ans. D
37. Which of the following is best suitable N-fertilizer in waterlogged soils?
A. Ammonium phosphate
B. Ammonium sulphate
C. Urea
Ans. B
38. Nitrogen fertilizers use efficiency in Rice can be increased by using:
A. Sulphur coated urea
B. Blue Green Algae
C. Urea super granules
D. Sulphur-coated urea & Urea super granules
Ans. D
39. Which foliar applied nutrients has rapid absorption rate?
A. Molybdenum
B. Magnesium
C. Sulphur
D. Potassium
Ans. D
40. Which one of the following nutrients play the most effective role in controlling the rate of Transpiration?
A. Zinc
B. Potassium
C. Magnesium
D. Phosphorus
Ans. B
41. Which among the following crops has highest relative salt tolerance?
A. Rapeseed
B. Sugar beet
C. Cotton
D. Barley
Ans. A
42. On the basis of soil salinity class, water can be used for irrigation purposes with some management practices. It comes under which class?
A. C1
B. C2
C. C3
D. C4
Ans. C
43. Which among the following soil has the highest area in India?
A. Red Soil
B. Laterite Soil
C. Desert Soil
D. Alluvial Soil
Ans. D
44. The horizons which make up the profile of a forest soil would include:
A. A, B & C
B. A, C & O
C. B & O
D. A, B, C & O

Ans. D


45. In the composition of soil on volume basis mineral matter comprises 45 %, what is the % of soil water and soil air?
A. 45
B. 5
C. 50
D. 25
Ans. C
46. Which of the following soil is not suitable for nursery crop?
A. Alluvial soil
B. Red soil
C. Black soil
D. Both a and b
Ans. C
47. Which of the following soil has a characteristic of self-ploughing?
A. Black soil
B. Laterite soil
C. Peaty soil
D. Both a and b
Ans. A
48. Alluvial soil is rich in _____ macro nutrient.
A. P
B. N
C. K
D. Zn
Ans. C
49. Phosphorus uptake in alkali soil in the form of:
A. H2PO4–
B. HPO42–
C. PO43–
D. H3PO4
Ans. C

Read…Acidic, Saline and Alkaline Soil

50. little leaf in cotton is due to deficiency of:
A. K
B. Zn
C. Mn
D. Mg
Ans. B


51. According to USDA classification, what is the diameter of medium sand particle?
A. 0.5 – 1
B. 0.25 -0.50
C. 0.025 -0.05
D. 0.10 – 0.25
Ans. B
52. The bulk density of sandy soil is about 1.6 g/cc. What is the approximate value of bulk density for organic matter?
A. 0.2 -0.4
B. 0.6- 0.8
C. 1.0-1.5
D. 0.4 -0.6
Ans. D.
53. The bulk density of a soil with particle density of 2.65gm/cc and pore space 40% would be:
A. 1.29gm/cc
B. 1.45gm/cc
C. 1.59gm/cc
D. 1.72gm/cc
Ans. C
54. The water which lies between wilting coefficient and field capacity is called available water. What is range of tension in hygroscopic coefficient?
A. 1/3 to 1
B. 1/3 to 31
C. 15
D. 31
Ans. D
55. What is the Clay percentage in sandy textural soil?
A. 0-15
B. 85-100
C. 0-30
D. 0-10
Ans. D.

56. Which of the following is a secondary essential nutrient?
A. Zn
B. Cu
C. S
D. N
Ans. C.
57. Which of the following is non-metal element among the micronutrients?
A. Zinc
B. Copper
C. Boron
D. Iron
Ans. C
58. Which of the following is a structural element?
A. N
B. S
C. Mn
D. O
Ans. D.
59. Which of the following element is a part of chlorophyll?
A. Mg
B. S
C. Fe
D. Mn
Ans. A.
60. White bud of maize is caused by deficiency of:
A. Calcium
B. Phosphorus
C. Zinc
D. Boron
Ans. C
61. Calcium Nitrate has ………. % of nitrogen.
A. 15.5
B. 26
C. 19
D. 13
Ans. A.
62. Brown heart of turnip is due to deficiency of:
A. Calcium
B. Manganese
C. Zinc
D. Boron
Ans. D.
63. Buttoning in cauliflower is due to deficiency of:
A. Nitrogen
B. Potash
C. Phosphorus
D. Calcium
Ans. A


64. Akiochi disease of rice is due to excess of :
A. H2S
D. CO2
Ans. A
65. Pf value at field capacity is?
A. 4.5
B. 1
C. 2.5
D. 4.2
Ans. C.
66. Saline soils are reclaimed/managed by:
A. Addition of gypsum
B. Leaching
C. Addition of lime
D. Both a and b
Ans. B.
67. In saline and alkali soil, ammonical fertilizers are not recommended because:
A. Alkalization of ammonia takes place
B. Such fertilizers are not effective
C. Volatilization takes place
D. None of these
Ans. A
68. Solum is made up of:
A. C horizon
B. C + D horizon
C. A+B+C horizon
D. A+B horizon
Ans. D.
69. Crop logging is a method of:
A. Soil fertility evaluation
B. Plant analysis for assessing requirements of nutrients for crop production
C. Assessing crop damage
D. Testing suitability of fertilizers
Ans. B.
70. Order of alluvial soil is:
A. Vertisol
B. Alfisol
C. Entisol
D. Histosols
Ans. C.
71. The bacteria considered most important to bring about the conversion of NH4 to NH2?
A. Nitrosomonas
B. Nitrobacteria
C. Azotobacter
D. Both a & b
Ans. D.
72. Which of the following soils has higher buffering capacity?
A. Sandy soils
B. Loamy soil
C. Loamy sand
D. Clay soils
Ans. D.
73. The manifestation of the physical forces of cohesion and adhesion acting within the soil at various moisture contents is called:
A. Soil plasticity
B. Soil consistency
C. Soil elasticity
D. Both a & b
Ans. B.
74. Which type of soil is suitable for producing plantation crops?
A. Black soil
B. Alluvial soil
C. Desert soil
D. Laterite soil
Ans. D.
75. Indian soils are deficient in:
A. Nitrogen & Zinc
B. Boron & Sulphur
C. Copper & calcium
D. Iron and manganese
Ans. A
76. Which of the following erosion is the removal of soil by running water with the formation of an areas of small branching channels? It can be removed by normal tillage operation.
A. Sheet erosion
B. Rill erosion
C. Gully erosion
D. Suspension
Ans. B.


77. The movement and filtration of water through soils and permeable rock is termed as?
A. Osmosis
B. Percolation
C. Sedimentation
D. Neutralization
Ans. A.
78. The process of removal of constituents in suspension or solution by the percolating water from the upper to lower layers called as:
A. Humification
B. Illuviation
C. Eluviation
D. Calcification
Ans. C.


79. Which of the following SAR range is moderately safe for the crops?
A. <1.25
B. <2
C. 15
D. <10
Ans. C.
80. What is the pH of calcareous soil?
A. <8.5
B. > 8.5
C. <7.5
D. <6.5
Ans. A.
81. Denitrification and volatilization occurs rapidly at:
A. Lower pH
B. Higher pH
C. Neutral pH
D. Both A & B
Ans. B
82. Black soils are best suitable for Dryland agriculture. Canker nodules are mostly found in which soil?
A. Alluvial soil
B. Black soil
C. Red soil
D. Laterite soil
Ans. C.
83. Organic matter has 58% organic carbon and nitrogen…….
A. 1-2 %
B. 5-6%
C. 9 to 10
D. 18-20 %
Ans. B.
84. Soil structural units having horizontal axis much longer than vertical axis known as:
A. Prismatic
B. Blocky
C. Platy
D. Columnar
Ans. C.


85. The rate of water absorption by plants is decreased due to deficiency of?
A. Iron
B. Boron
C. Potassium
D. Manganese
Ans. C
86. Symbiotic association of fungal hyphae with plant roots is known as?
A. Mycorrhiza
B. Mutual infection
C. Lichen
D. Co-parasitism
Ans. A.
87. Which one of the following is not a soil forming factor?
A. Climate
B. Organisms
C. Relief
D. Moisture
Ans. D.


88. Active soil forming factors include which of the following?
A. Vegetation and climate
B. Time and vegetation
C. Time, topography and climate
D. Vegetation and topography
Ans. A
89. Which one of the following irrigation methods is best suited for an undulating topography?
A. Flow irrigation
B. Check basin method
C. Sprinkler irrigation
D. Furrow irrigation
Ans. C.


90. Which one of the following is not a component of the moisture potential in the soil?
A. Gravity potential
B. Turgor potential
C. Matric potential
D. Osmotic potential
Ans. B
91. The available water present in soil for better plant growth in between:
A. Field capacity and wilting percentage
B. Witting percentage and hygroscopic coefficient
C. Field capacity and Air-dry soil
D. Both b & c
Ans. A.
92. The percentage of soil water held with water potential – 15 bars is called as?
A. Hygroscopic coefficient
B. Wilting point
C. Field capacity
D. Both a & b
Ans. B.
93. The species of Rhizobium present in the root nodules of soybean is:
A. R. japonicum
B. R. leguminosarum
C. R. trifolii
D. R. phased
Ans. A.
94. The unconsolidated material on the underlying rock is called?
A. Regolith
B. Soil
C. Solum
D. Earth
Ans. A.
95. What culture should be given priority in groundnut cultivation?
A. Azospirilla
B. Mycorrhiza
C. Phosphobacteria
D. Rhizobia
Ans. D.
96. Which of the following are variables controlling soil development?
A. Composition of parent
B. Climate & Topography
C. biological activity
D. time
E. All of these
Ans. E.
97. If the parental material is rock characteristic of a given region, then the resulting soil is referred to as:
A. Transported
B. Elevated
C. Superposed
D. Residual
E. Thick
Ans. D.
98. If the parental material was brought into a given region by wind, glaciers, or water, then the resulting soil is referred to as:
A. Transported
B. Thin
C. Superposed
D. Residual
E. Thick
Ans. A.
99. The climatic conditions that are most conducive for the formation of calcite and/or halite in a soil are:
A. high precipitation – low temperature
B. high precipitation – high temperature
C. high precipitation – moderate temperature
D. low precipitation – high temperature
E. None of the above
Ans. D.
100. The best estimate of the available P in phosphatic fertilizers is obtained from the:
A. Water soluble fraction
B. Citrate in soluble fraction
C. Citrate soluble fraction
D. Water soluble and citrate soluble fractions
Ans. D
101. Which of the following phosphatic fertilizers is most effective for crops in acidic soil?
C. Rock phosphate
D. Triple super phosphate
Ans. C

See also…


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